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Guest Blog Post for World Diabetes Day

Update from Care Opinion

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I am very pleased to introduce Mike Young from Diabetes Spain, who has very kindly agreed to write a guest blog post for World Diabetes Day. Thanks Mike!

Patient Opinion Guest Blog Post - World Diabetes Day.

Hi folks, a quick introduction. My name is Mike and I have Type 1 Diabetes. I was diagnosed back in April 1998 at the tender age of 20, which is relatively late in the game for Type 1 Diabetes (also known as Juvenile Diabetes).

Originally from Bristol, I now reside in Spain, running a website called “Diabetes in Spain”, such a cool and original name , yes? The reason I started to write/blog was really to help find information on Diabetes in Spain whether it was to find specific medication, details on the latest products or find your nearest clinic and to share with other likeminded people from those who reside in Spain and also for those that may be traveling to Spain.

I would imagine that around 98% of my time engaging/connecting with other people with Diabetes is online. Since 2009 when I started my website, I had not thought for a minute how big the community would be and certainly did anticipate how big it would grow in such a short space of time nor the impact it has had on my life since then.

Connecting with other people who fully understand both the physical and emotional aspects of such a condition can be very empowering and although making connections online is not for everyone, I have until now had a positive experience.

The “DOC” (Diabetes Online Community) has grown at a staggering rate, not only as the disease increases throughout the world but also as people have greater access to technology and the internet than ever before.

Now we have major Drug makers, Patient groups and Healthcare Professionals on the internet engaging with one and other and although tight regulations in place, the barriers are slowly but surely coming down.

The power shift is moving away from the Doctor/Drug Company and is now edging ever closer to the Patient. Information relating to Diabetes is passed around in real time, whether it is a new product or clinical trials or news about the latest campaign.

This has certainly empowered patients to become advocates in their own right, myself included. It enables me to seek the truth about the disease, it has enabled me to share my stories and my experiences with my peers. It has enabled me to help raise the profile of the disease and most importantly it has given me both hope and support when I needed it the most.

A click of the button I could be engaging with one of several Diabetes organisations on Facebook, promoting a new product on Twitter or looking for feedback on certain parts of Diabetes life on one of the many discussion boards/forums.

This is 24/7 365 days per year! With the help of global timezones, you will find someone to talk to. You will find someone to rant with! You will find someone to share stories. You will find someone to support you, assure you and one day you will return the support when they need it the most.

Many people are turning to the internet and specifically social media to interact with fellow patients. Often they may find that talking to close family members and friends difficult and at times unable to offer the empathy or reassurance they sometimes need.

For it is also very difficult for family and friends to talk to patients from without fear of being accused of nosiness and/or nagging. The internet can also be a great resource for the carers, family and friends too. Engaging with other carers, who look after, live with, work with people with specific conditions can be hugely beneficial and allows them to gain a unique look at the lives of the patient without having to go through difficult task of talking with the person directly.

The date for World Diabetes Day is marked for today to honour the birthdate of Sir Frederick Banting the Canadian doctor who together with Dr. Charles Best help discover the role Insulin plays for us with Diabetes. **

Well today is World Diabetes Day. A fitting day to write using the power of the internet to help raise awareness of the disease! Events are being organised by individuals, groups, associations right up to the mani bodies such as the International Diabetes Federation to highlight the disease and to raise the awareness. There are many activities taking place all around the world today ranging from local walks in city parks through to flash mobs through to major conventions where people from all walks of life can come together on such an important day.

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