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"Occupational therapy"

About: South West Acute Hospital / Occupational Therapy

(as a service user),

Hi just wanted to show my appreciation to occupational therapy whsct to Glenda and Joanne they came and sorted out some appliances that will help make life easier for me . It was done quickly and efficiently they are very professional and all the help they have given me will make things much easier 

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Response from Eileen Dolan, Interim Head of Allied health professions, Allied health professions, WHSCT about a year and a half ago
Eileen Dolan
Interim Head of Allied health professions, Allied health professions,
Submitted on 11/11/2022 at 15:06
Published on Care Opinion at 15:06

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide us with your very positive service feedback. Glenda and Joanne will be so pleased their intervention has improved your independence and quality of life.

Helena Doherty

Head of Occupational Therapy Services

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