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"Empowering Breastfeeding Support"

About: Highland Community Services / Breastfeeding Support Service

(as a service user),

Following the difficult birth of our baby, we struggled with breastfeeding and our baby’s  weight soon began to drop.  As first time parents we didn’t know what to do and each person we came in contact with told us something different.  We were so confused and disheartened that we were ready to give up on our breastfeeding journey entirely.  We didn’t have any breastfeeding support in hospital when our baby was born as it was assumed we were okay as we managed to get our baby to latch on.  However, we later discovered latching on was only stage one, we required my body to produce a sufficient supply of milk to meet our baby’s needs - this wasn’t the case for us.  On discharge, we struggled more and more and realised our baby wasn’t receiving adequate nutrition.  We remembered an anti natal session I attended several weeks before our baby was born and the session facilitator, Lana, had provided us all with her contact details and encouraged us to contact her anytime if we needed help, advice or a chat.  We made contact with Lana.

When we met Lana, the breastfeeding specialists, everything began to change for the better - we were empowered and supported to make informed decisions about how best to feed our baby.  Quickly we began to feel more confident and supported to continue on the breastfeeding journey knowing that it was within our grasps and she was only a phone call away.  We began to feel like we knew what we were doing, the signs to look out for that suggest something isn’t right and what steps we can take to rectify the situation.  In the short term we had to adapt our feeding regime until my milk came in; breastfeeding, formula top ups and breast pump.  However, we were able to return to solely breastfeeding our baby as my milk came in.

Our baby is now four weeks old and remains solely breastfed because of the help and support we received from Lana and the wider breastfeeding team.  We are so thankful to the breastfeeding team who delivered non judgmental care at a time when we were at our most vulnerable.  Without this team our baby wouldn’t have thrived, we would have been left with no option other than bottle feeding with formula and our experience of bringing up a child would have been considerably worse.  We cannot thank Lana enough for all that she has done and continues to do for our family, thank you. 
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Response from Karen MacKay, Senior Health Improvement Specialist (Infant Feeding Advisor), RM, IBCLC, NHS Highland 2 years ago
Karen MacKay
Senior Health Improvement Specialist (Infant Feeding Advisor), RM, IBCLC,
NHS Highland
Submitted on 15/03/2022 at 14:55
Published on Care Opinion at 14:55

Dear Irregularitywn33,

Many thanks for taking the time to tell us your story and congratulations on the birth of your baby. Having a difficult birth in itself can be very traumatic and you had the added pressures of a breastfeeding journey that wasn't going to plan but it is lovely to hear how you were supported to feel empowered to continue and now are able to fully breastfeed your 4 week old baby. That is a fantastic achievement and you describe so well how effective latching is only one aspect of effective breastfeeding.

Being able to identify when there are signs that feeding is not going as well as expected are crucial and it was great you could reach out to a member of our team to seek reassurance and non judgemental care. Being encouraged to follow feeding plans for problems can be extremely hard and I am so glad you have overcome these problems and are getting on so well. I will pass on your story to Lana as I know she will be delighted to hear how she had helped to support your family's journey.

Kind regards

Karen Mackay

Infant feeding advisor

Public health

NHS Highland

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