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"Ear Nose and Throat Referral"

About: Royal Hallamshire Hospital / Ear, Nose and Throat

(as a service user),

I was referred to ENT at STH after having an ear infection and ongoing pain since August 2020. The ENT said it was just pain and seemed annoyed when I stated I would not take the Amitriptyline they suggested and go. I explained I had constant pain in my left ear, it 'pops' several times a day and the canal is dry/flaky but there is no discharge and had it been this way since August 2020. I was concerned the ear infection I had last year had not been managed correctly and that there may be lasting damage to my ear/hearing.  

They then agreed for me to have a hearing test (normal), pressure test (normal) and CT and MRI (both clear). They called me a few weeks later to suggest my GP prescribe me Otocomb ointment and an ear balloon. I purchased the balloon as it was readily available and contacted my GP for the ointment. Some weeks later I was informed this ointment is only available in Australia. The GP had to contact ENT to ask for an alternative which took another few weeks to get a response. A letter from ENT today stated that if (they refer to me by the wrong title) I have another infection (it is still the same issue and had been since August 2020) that I can be referred for microsuction. This SPR was dismissive, has not read my notes and has given poor patient care in my opinion. 

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Response from Deborah Hopkinson, Patient Experience Co-ordinator, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 2 years ago
Deborah Hopkinson
Patient Experience Co-ordinator,
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 22/07/2021 at 09:28
Published on Care Opinion at 09:28

I am very sorry to hear of your concerns. This is certainly not the experience we would wish you to have.

If you would like us to look into matters and respond to you formally, please contact our Patient Advice Liaison Service by phoning telephone number 0114 271 2400 and leave a message for one of our staff to get back to you or by emailing

Thank you for taking the time to post your experience on the care opinion site, I again apologise that your experience was not positive and hope that you feel able to speak further about this.

Kind regards

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Update posted by aurigate43 (a service user)

Dear Deborah,

Thank you for taking the time to respond and acknowledge my experience. I have emailed PALS and have been sent a reply to say that this matter is now being looked into.



Response from Deborah Hopkinson, Patient Experience Co-ordinator, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 2 years ago
Deborah Hopkinson
Patient Experience Co-ordinator,
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 22/07/2021 at 15:18
Published on Care Opinion at 15:18

Pleased to hear that and hopefully we will be able to provide you more information, learn from your experience and take things forward. Kind regards Debbie

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