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"Patient with complex needs taken off cataract list"

About: Gartnavel General Hospital / Ophthalmology (eye problems) (Ward 1c) University Hospital Hairmyres / Ophthalmology University Hospital Monklands / Dermatology University Hospital Wishaw / Gynaecology (Ward 13)

(as the patient),

Being taken off list for cataract surgery after having to cancel ops and appointments at Hairmyers due to highly complex health problems including, autoimmune disorders rare, breast cancer treatment and after problems, osteoporosis, becoming registered blind, deaf and to top it on the day the person calling to cancel me didn’t know just got letter re possible cancer,  minimum things found in gynaecology ultrasound. So I was distraught.  

Husband took call as my hearing is too bad now.  I had already spoken using my phone a week before to person at pre assessment info call.  Said I could come on the date in May but not have op until later in June. This was due to a wee 4 day holiday that’s  been cancelled  first 2 years ago due to storm, then last year COVID.

We got a call a few weeks ago to say my special room was booked and ready for beginning of June and ferry too.  We have to take this holiday or my sisters who bought it for my 50th birthday, yes I am that young, would lose the money they had paid.  My husband had shielded me like the warrior he is for 14 months and I just felt I know there’s gynae Probs now, didn’t know then they had found stuff, I have had breast cancer and gone blind in past 6 years so go holiday. Come back get cataract op done.  

My healing time is more due to problems with Behçet’s disease I have.  It compromises skin when cut in ops ect... took 5 months for mastectomy to heal.  Then last September part of the scar opened again and that has been major problem with having phone app ect.  I told you it’s complex.  But person from preassessment said no problem after date in June for first cataract op and have summer to recover.  

Then now I am on heavy duty opoids so hubby keeps all notes of calls ect. And recordings so forget things.  I got a call from the person from cataract waiting list very aggressive to husband.  Now they knew I was in a state after getting a letter re-grading pelvic scan as having major gynae problems after stopping g cancer treatment.  Possible C word can’t use it in that present tense context.

My husband tried to explain we had a holiday planned not 2 weeks on a cruise but a quiet  few days on a close Scottish Island.  Well this person was very aggressive in their tone and said I had cancelled appointments ect.. and a few op dates but we explained every time concerning on going problems that had to be dealt with on the spot.  Plus I was shielding from COVID and was terrified as with my health problems, issues ongoing serious present at the time health concerns. No I was going off the list as I was in the hot zone or something similar.  

Basically I wasn’t make there waiting times look good.  But the solution was get the holiday, get the op recover.  Then deal with gynaecology concerns which will involve another op.  Then recover.  Then get next eye done.  Recover.

The laugh is I was at the most wonderful eye consultant at Gartnavel a few weeks before.  Wonderful calm manner understood my problems.  Told me that due to eyesight deficit being of an auto immune reason, Behcets the cataract wouldn’t make a huge difference.  But what it would do is let light in and hopefully save me going as I call it and I’m terrrified to say it Dark blind.  Not see shapes or shadows or faces that I can see when someone is close enough.  Hairmyers should use that consultants approach more often.  I had just been told you won’t get your sight back but it’s conservation.  

I think I got the letter on Friday saying I was off the list and need to find my own person to refer to somewhere else or words to that effect.  

You ask me how I feel.  Devastated, anxious, angry, vulnerable, no power, and I think that if this is politicians putting pressure on hospitals to cut waiting times at the expense of someone as complex as me being cut off.  Astray in an ocean of worry and concern which makes with anxiety and stress my two auto immune disorders, Behcets, dercums, and osteoarthritis,osteoporosis, Asthma, terrible menstruation, lost sight, hearing, wheelchair user due to spine difficulties, osteoarthritis, cardiac arrhythmia and  severe pain coming from all angles MUCH WORSE.

I honestly can’t believe this has happened to me.  I just want put back on and get the op in June. Please.  So upset in the Eye Department at Hairmyers not the nurses or health care staff.  But bureaucracy.  Sorry spelling atrocious friend doing this for me.  

If they don’t want me because I’m complex where do I go.  What do I do.  I can’t go private of course, my husband my carer.  We live in disabled housing.  Blackwood home, very grateful.   Persons said their would go to their manager.  Last thing they said.  Guess Manager there didn’t care either.

I have just been told that at the start of this I had a colonoscopy and polyps removed that was the problem at the beginning as I was quite ill after this and ended up with infection.  It will be in my notes if Hairmyers wants to check I think it was at Wishaw university hospital. Then the mastectomy scar opened I thought my cancer was back in between Covid and everything else.  The gynaecology investigations at Wishaw have been intense past month.  At post menopausal unit.  And due to my life being turned upside in ten years I have depression.  And am mainly housebound.  But I was a microbiologist and scientist. 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Rick Edwards, Service Manager Surgical & Critical Care, University Hospital Hairmyres, NHS Lanarkshire 3 years ago
Rick Edwards
Service Manager Surgical & Critical Care, University Hospital Hairmyres,
NHS Lanarkshire
Submitted on 06/05/2021 at 17:32
Published on Care Opinion at 17:32

picture of Rick Edwards

Dear Jazzy21,

It sounds like the past few years have been and continue to be very challenging for your health and wellbeing.

I'm sorry to hear that you've been removed from the waiting list; we do have guidelines around waiting list management and the number of appointments or dates that we are able to offer people. I should add that each case is considered on merit and no person is removed from the waiting list without review by a consultant.

If you'd like to contact our with your details, or contact them on Tel No: 01355 585325 we'd be happy to review your situation.

Kind regards


  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
Response from Nicole McInally, Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 3 years ago
Nicole McInally
Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 12/05/2021 at 14:20
Published on Care Opinion at 14:20

picture of Nicole McInally

Dear Jazzy21

Thank you very much for taking the time to share your story on Care Opinion. I see that Rick from NHS Lanarkshire has asked you to get in touch regarding your cataract surgery.

I wanted to thank you for your kind comments regarding the Ophthalmology Consultant and to let you know that your post has been shared with the Ophthalmology Team at Gartnavel General Hospital.

Take Care


  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful

Update posted by Jazzy21 (the patient)

My husband called patient affairs at Hairmyers as directed and explained my situation. First of all the person my husband spoke to didn’t seem to know who he was talking about, but my husband explained the situation and that I had very real and substantive health problems for bringing me to the situation I was in. This staff member took information from my husband and said we would be contacted. So we wait to see if I am back on the list for my cataract surgery or for any answer.

The response above from Mr Edwards mention that each case is taken on its Merit and must be reviewed by a consultant. Actually winded me quite a bit. As taken on its merit, my complex case would never have ended up with me taken off the list. And the fact it is reviewed by a consultant. Who or which consultant? The person who called me initially finished a very upsetting call by saying they would have their "manager" get me off the list. No consultant was mentioned.

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