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"Arnold Lodge productive sessionb"

About: Arnold Lodge Regional Secure Unit

(as a volunteer/advocate),

We have been training today. It has been a very productive session. Patients attended the Worksop armed with great ideas about what it means to be involved and Chair meetings, such as patients forums and community meetings on wards. All ideals were welcomed, it was agreed they could link into the newly reviewed patients forum that will benefit any patients both now and in the future to become empowered to be heard and involved.

Patient awareness of what the role of the Chair means to them as Ward representatives was highlighted. All in all a very productive session

Please could you thank the involvement volunteers and staff

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Response from Eleanor O’Brien, Ward Manager (Tamar), Arnold Lodge Medium Secure Services, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 7 years ago
Eleanor O’Brien
Ward Manager (Tamar), Arnold Lodge Medium Secure Services,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 01/06/2017 at 16:31
Published on Care Opinion at 17:22

Thank you for your feedback, I agree it was a very productive day with some very useful discussion and ideas. The hope is to build patients confidence through these training events and develop skills to be able to facilitate meetings and participate in them effectively. It is important that Patients find the meetings meaningful and feel empowered to take part. Many thanks to our Involvement colleagues for facilitating the session. We look forward to further collaboration in the future.

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