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"Kirkby Primary Trust Doctors Surgery The ..."

About: Ashfield Community Hospital

What I liked

Kirkby Primary Trust Doctors Surgery

The service is incredible, accessable, and my doctor is helpful in everyway possible, I feel she and the receptionist staff are so friendly, helpful as much as they can.

The support workers that are there are run off thier feet, but do an amazing job even with thier own health hardships.

I am so lucky to have access to this surgery and hospital.

I needed an xray for my back and next day I was there at 9.15am!

I needed a blood test, I was in two days later, my results not long- were returned.

My doctor follows up everything, and I feel safe completely and can be utterly honest.

I commend you kirkby primary trust, receptionists who slog thier socks off, the doctors who slog thiers too and the hospital staff work hard, even when they are understaffed.

This place gets full stars from me- keep up the great work KPCT.

What could be improved

More staff would ease the workload they have to deal with, which in my opinion is a huge workload- they do there job very very well even under big loads. Welldone.

I hope you get more support and staff in all the good work you do.

Anything else?

Top marks, support Kirkby Primary Care Trust, if your registered patient there, you are very blessed and lucky. logo
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Response from Julie Grant, Head of Communications, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust 12 years ago
Julie Grant
Head of Communications,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Submitted on 28/05/2012 at 14:58
Published on Care Opinion at 15:34

picture of Julie Grant

This feedback was posted before we started managing these services - but I am glad you have had such a positive experience. Thanks for feeding back.

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