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"A huge thank you to all staff involved in my sister's care"

About: Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow / Neurosurgery (Ward 64 – 66)

(as a relative),

My family were all delighted with the care my sister received after her emergency admission in April having suffered an aneurysm. We cannot praise the staff highly enough in both wards (ward 60 HDU and 65 Neurology).

Not only was my sister cared for but we, as her family, felt cared for too which was a huge help to us as we watched her so ill.

I am writing because so often nursing and medical staff only hear/receive the negative comments. My sister has been transferred and hopefully will be transferred again for rehab early next week. A huge thank you to all staff involved in her care.

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Response from Lorna Fairlie, Patient Experience, Public Involvement Project Manager, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 9 years ago
Lorna Fairlie
Patient Experience, Public Involvement Project Manager,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

I work in a small team in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde which seeks to involve patients and carers in the work of the NHS. The biggest part of my role is in managing feedback projects across the Board area, one of which is Patient Opinion. It is my job to give our patients and carers the opportunity to give us feedback, and to make sure that this is passed to the right people to help us improve the services we provide.

Submitted on 05/06/2015 at 16:29
Published on Care Opinion at 22:30

Dear Jaykay,

I am really touched that you took the time to write to us, particularly during what must still be a difficult time for your family. I am pleased to be able to pass on such lovely comments to the staff on both wards, who I am sure will be really grateful to receive them. One of the points that stood out for me was when you said that your family felt cared for as well, which is so important when you are going through such a distressing time.

I wish your sister all the best in her future treatment and rehabilitation and my thoughts are with you all.


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