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"Fusion surgery followed on after A&E mess up on..."

About: Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital

The morning of my Midfoot fusion with bone graft and after filling out all the forms for my surgery came to see me and was well aware after reading my notes that i was allergic to stainless steel and surgical steel. When they came to see me about an hour before i went down for my op i asked and checked with them to make 100% sure they were going to use titanium hardware like they had promised me they would, due to me being allergic to the other metals, and they said yes they were putting in titanium screws and wires etc, which my mum also heard as she was sitting with me. Once i had my op, 5 hours later i was back on the ward and my mum and husband were with me next to my bed. The surgeon came up to see me once i was fully awake to tell me everything went fine etc with my foot i asked them-: u did use titanium hardware in my foot didnt u? Which they then replied no. My jaw dropped & i said i told u i was allergic to stainless steel & surgical steel & they said it will be fine anyway at its in the bone not touching the skin, (even though with this kind of surgery the hardware tends to work its way out off the foot due to resuming normal mobility on the foot from around a year. I couldn't believe what they had done!! A&E missed my extremely messed up foot 5 times on xray as they were all done with me sitting when i should of been weight bearing on the foot (standing) and then i get a surgeon who puts a metal in me that i told them i was allergic to. Absolutely awful what i endured from this hospital. I will let you make your own decisions on if you would like them to try & 'care' for you, but theres no way i would go back there. Not even if someone paid me too. I now have severe DDD (degenerative disc disease) caused by A&E missing my fractures in my foot and l walking with a limp and wonky from walking on the outside edge of my right foot for 7 months!!! My foot is still swollen after 2 years so i have no choice but to only be able to wear trainers and flipflops as my foots still to big to fit in anything else but i can cope with that, what i cant cope with is the chronic pain i am in every min of everyday and its now only morphine that helps my DDD but i could now also have fibromyalgia which is apart of having degenerative disc disease, so yes A&E have ruined my life. logo
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Response from Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital 9 years ago
Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital
Submitted on 27/05/2015 at 15:15
Published on on 28/05/2015 at 01:00

Thank you for your comments regarding your experience of our Emergency Department and Orthopaedics. I am sorry that your experience has not been of the high standards we like to achieve. We would like the opportunity to review your individual circumstances further to help us understand the issues raised.. Please feel free to contact our customer care team ( or 01256 486766) who would be happy to talk to you. Mary Edwards, Chief Executive

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