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"Overall good practice"

About: Petersfield Medical Practice

With the introduction of the new online system it has been straightforward to contact the gp with our medical problems however it seems the practice doesn’t like to take any initiative. I once had a splinter in my throat and they told me they don’t have the specialist equipment to deal with it and told me to go to A&E, for just a splinter! The urgent treatment centre gp was able to remove it with tweezers in less than two minutes. I contacted them today about a rash on my baby’s cheek and got called to the practice immediately (so far so good) but the doctor took my baby’s temparature and said it was too high and we should go to hospital. They didn’t comment on the rash and repeated the guidance. By this time I was wearing my heavily clothed baby for a while in a sling and they were likely to be overheated a bit but the doctor dismissed it and said they don’t have thermometer suitable for such young babies so his fever might even be higher than what they measured so I need to go to hospital. I came back home, allowed him to cool down for a few minutes and took his temp again with two different types of thermometers and he was perfectly fine (36.6 C) except for the rash on his cheek on which the doctor made no comment at all. Another time it took them almost three weeks to take my husband seriously who then spent a week in the hospital with pneumonia. They are very responsive initially but then do not want to do anytging helpful. logo
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