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"Lack of care throughout"

About: Russells Hall Hospital / Maternity

(as the patient),

I had my 1st baby in 2019, induced at 41+5 (because they said he stopped growing at 6lb and needed out he was born 3 days later at 8lb6). Induction worked well in fact very well. I was in labour within 3 hours. However no one would believe me. It took another patient's visitor to shout at the midwives to check me.  I was 6cm by the time they did.  Anyway took another 48 hours to be fully dilated. So 2 epidurals, 2 hours of pushing and forceps later and no luck.  So emergency c-section it was.

I say emergency, took them 2 hours to get me in there.  My son was born not breathing, luckily resuscitated, but had a bleed between his skull and skin because they’d pulled that hard with the forceps.  He was given paracetamol and nearly overdosed because someone hadn’t recorded that they had given him any.   Also despite me being bed bound for 3 days I was not given stockings or blood thinners resulting in 7 blood clots on my lungs at 13 days post partum.  

2nd baby 2023, I was so reluctant to give birth at Russell’s hall but as was a planned c-section I thought it wouldn’t be as bad.   I was on blood thinners through out this pregnancy because of the blood clots previously.  My haematologist consultant told me I had to be booked in for my c-section between 37-38 weeks to limit the risk of going naturally and bleeding out because of the blood thinners.  Told this to the antenatal consultant, who laughed.  And told me because it was Christmas and new year I had no chance and thought it was acceptable to book me in at 3 days before my due date. Despite becoming very upset and explaining everything to them they basically told me to get over it.

At this point I knew I had a fight on my hands at which point should be my last trimester in pregnancy and reduced stress.  Several emails and phone calls later I was out in touch with a midwife consultant who is an absolute asset too the trust.  They had a face-to-face meeting with me, listened to my concerns, agreed with me and went above the consultant to the head of maternity services who agreed with them too and got me booked in for the date needed.  

The actual c-section wasn’t bad at all! At the time couldn’t fault it. However 13 days post partum again (clearly my unlucky number) and I haemorrhaged whilst out. I rang maternity triage who told me not to worry.  Anyway not to be too descriptive, but as the blood is pouring out of me and had to call an ambulance who had to blue light me to hospital it was touch and go for a bit. I later found out I had retained product which should not happen after a c-section, especially a planned one! 2 blood transfusions later and retained product removed I was able to go home.  Where I contracted an infection because of it all and ended up nearly with sepsis.   

I have never suffered with my mental health and have always been a very strong person but after this at the time I should’ve been enjoying the new born phase it really had an impact on me.  I had a follow up with a consultant who told me the person who did my surgery was the lead surgeon and no way would he have left retained product in me. When it was clear they had. 

The lack of care throughout both my pregnancies and births have caused me to come to the decision there no way I could put myself through it again. So they have taken away the choice of me having any more children. I feel I narrowly escaped death twice in their hands, I might not be as lucky a third time. 

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Response from Patient Experience Assistant, Patient Experience, The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust last month
Submitted on 03/05/2024 at 15:28
Published on Care Opinion at 15:41

Dear patient,

Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your experience at our Maternity unit at Russells Hall Hospital. We are very sorry to hear that you feel you did not receive the standard of care that we normally expect. The Dudley Group is committed to providing the very best possible care for our patients and the safety of our patients is our top priority. We would like to assure you and all our patients that we take all comments seriously and act upon them as part of our ongoing commitment to improving patient experience.

If you wish to contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on free phone 0800 073 0510 or email we would happily investigate your concerns and share with senior members of staff.

Patient Experience Team

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