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"A heartfelt thank you to the staff"

About: University Hospital Wishaw / Neo-natal Intensive Care

(as a service user),

I would like to express a heartfelt thank you to the staff in the neonatal unit. My son had to spend time in your care after being born via section. Each and every one of you are worth your weight in gold and we really felt that our son was in the best hands. There are a few people I'd like to give an extra shout out for the quality of care my son received. 

Amy - you are a credit to the NHS. You are an amazing midwife with a heart of gold. Anytime I came to visit Harry; you were able to tell me when he had been fed, how much he had taken, what medication he was due and also about his next steps. All from the top of your head not a bit of paper in sight. You also helped me transition from my wheelchair after my section to the seat, provided me with pillows to get comfortable, filled up my water bottle and helped me with Harry. can't thank you enough Amy and we feel Harry was very lucky to be under your care. 

Dr Bilkhu is a great doctor with a lovely, friendly and happy manner. He always recognised my husband and I anytime we came down to visit our son in neonatal. He was always very reassuring, upbeat and positive in regards to my son's treatment. We've had follow up apps with him and we can't express enough how much we appreciate the excellent care that our son has received. Wishaw are very lucky to have you as one of their doctors. Thank you for everything our son is absolutely thriving and you are part of that story. 

Sandra - we met Sandra when we came for a follow up app in neonatal. She came into do checks before he was seen by the doctor. Again Sandra has a heart of gold and was so bubbly, friendly and very complimentary of my breastfed journey with my son. She's inspired me to follow my dream in the future of another career. 

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Response from Sharon Oosterbosch, Neonatal Senior Nurse, Neonatal, NHS Lanarkshire 3 weeks ago
Sharon Oosterbosch
Neonatal Senior Nurse, Neonatal,
NHS Lanarkshire
Submitted on 10/05/2024 at 18:20
Published on Care Opinion on 12/05/2024 at 07:29

picture of Sharon Oosterbosch

Dear Doolan,

Firstly congratulations on the birth of your son Harry. I hope you are settling into family life and you are all doing well.

I am delighted to hear about your wonderful experience in our neonatal unit. I would like to thank you for taking the time to tell us your story and the impact staff made on you and your son's care.

I will ensure the staff you have mentioned are all aware of your story, they will be delighted to hear how they made such a positive impact when caring for you and Harry.

Best Wishes,

Sharon Oosterbosch

Neonatal Senior Nurse

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Update posted by Doolan (a service user)

Thank you that would be wonderful. We really did receive the best care and we think the staff really do deserve some positive feedback.

Kind regards.

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