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"Too overcrowded for everyone to be seen and treated fairly"

About: Forth Valley Royal Hospital / Clinical assessment unit

(as the patient),

I was emitted through A and E to CAU at 2 in the morning and was given a bed.

I finally fell asleep at 3 then was woken up at 4 for blood pressure. After that it took me about 30 mins to go to sleep again. However when I was next woken up, it was to see a Dr to explain everything I'd already been told 3 other people. That lasted about 25 minutes and by the end of it they had agreed I was going to be taking an injection and getting booked in for an ultrasound as I was still in a lot of pain from the day before (which had continued into the next day). A key part here is that the ultrasound was booked for around 1pm.

I went back to bed thinking the injection would come fast, like they said, but it didn't. It took an hour. So I waited up for this jag till half 6 and received it then. After not getting back to sleep due to surrounding noises I decided to go brush my teeth and try feel better that way. When I came back my bed was gone, and in its place; a chair. No explanation. A patient had to tell me I was sleeping in the reception and that they take the beds away again.

The illness I have also is heavily affected by the amount of sleep I get in a night so I was in true agony. After waiting and waiting for anyone to come give me any kind of painkiller I decided to ask myself, in which I was told they would. I asked another several times and still didn't get any. I continued to wait for hours and hours until it was 11 o'clock and I was feeling absolutely awful. Sleep deprived, in more pain than when I had arrived and noone did anything.

It was around this time that I was told the ultrasound I had been waiting for was at 1ish (8hrs after when I had spoke to the Dr). I continued to wait and by 12 another Dr grabbed me and told me he cancelled the ultrasound cause they didn't believe I needed it. Naturally I was fuming, but I was honestly too exhausted to do or say anything and so I went home.

Soon after I got a phonecall early in the day to say I had to be brought in as an inpatient in CAU as my body was still giving me serious problems. I came in at 3:00pm. They tried to get bloods out of me but couldn't as all my veins are exhausted. So I went back to the waiting room, where I waited for 13hrs and 16 mins. I had something very important to me and my future to do the next day but got told I have to miss it as I had to prioritise my health  (like I hadn't been trying to by coming in before).

Once again no pain killers my entire wait and I only got my fist blood pressure and temperature check at 1am. 4 different groups of patients (not even all together) came and were seen to before me. By this time I was frustrated, tired, in so much pain, and livid. Eventually I got a bed and went to sleep at about 5 o'clock (am). Only to be woken up AGAIN in the morning just before 7 to be told againthat I was in the reception and they were taking the bed. Noone told me any news about my scan which I'm in for.

I could have just stayed home and slept in my own bed, with access to my own pain medication than come to CAU as the pain I am in is excruciating. There was no point in me being in the day before. I would rather suffer in my own home than come here again. And while I am empathetic to the nurses as it has been really busy, I don't understand how I could have not even received any pain medication or been allowed to go home just to sleep at least.

CAU was way too overcrowded for everyone to be seen and treated fairly and I feel it needs to be sorted. Noone should have to wait for that length of time, let along in pain.

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Response from Pamela Scott, Lead Nurse, Acute assessment/clinical assessment unit and urgent care centre, NHS Forth Valley last month
Pamela Scott
Lead Nurse, Acute assessment/clinical assessment unit and urgent care centre,
NHS Forth Valley
Submitted on 29/04/2024 at 18:06
Published on Care Opinion at 18:06

Dear Plutohd44

I am sorry to hear about your recent experience when attending our clinical assessment unit. Our assessment unit is currently under enormous pressure and due to the high number of patients attending this can unfortunately lead to the long waits incurred. During these times however I expect our staff to communicate with patients and families who may be waiting to let them know what is happening as this can help reduce anxiety and frustration. I am sorry this was not your experience and you were not offered any analgesia whilst you were waiting.

It is difficult to respond further via this website, however if you wish me to investigate and answer more fully, could you please contact me on 01324 567472

Yours sincerely

Pamela Scott

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