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"You are all truly amazing people"

About: Royal Hospital for Children (Glasgow) / Dental

(as a parent/guardian),

So I wanted to start out by saying I myself am autistic, and suffer with PTSD and anxiety.

My son is 9, severely autistic, has learning disabilities, non verbal and mentally only 2. He was due in for emergency dental surgery after a long wait then suffering for months with horrific toothache. Part of my son's problems are he can't co-operate with any demands, he won't let anyone touch or be near him and he will not under any circumstances let anyone near his mouth. 

On the lead up to surgery, I was told he was most probably going to need his front two teeth removed, several others and whatever other dental work they could do whilst he was under. This sent my into a full blown panic and his front teeth were his adult ones, and he can't cope with any sort of change.

After phoning Dr Gillian the dentist at the Sick Kids hospital in Glasgow who was doing his surgery, and having a full blown mental breakdown on the phone to her (I'm talking about can't breath type of cry) and explain about my son and his problems and how it wasn't going to go how any one is expecting. She immediately got a team together and the anesthetist Dr Hivey was honestly the most caring, selfless, most understanding person I've ever met. She had me come in without my son, and literally held my hand whilst I ugly cried explain how much support my son would need, and when I say she immediately started putting all sort of steps and measures into place to make it so much easier, that's an understatement to say the least.

She never once made me feel like an idiot for feeling how I did, she asked so many questions to make sure she got it as perfect as possible. Her bedside manner was out of this world, she really opened her heart to me just so I felt heard and validated. She is so down to earth and approachable, nothing was too much at all. She even took me a full walk of the journey to make sure I could understand what would happen.

Between her and Dr Jones, they came up with 4 different plans of action. We made sure he was first one the surgery list, they had us come right up to the door in the car so we didn't need to wait in a room, Dr Jones came out to the car alone and prepared so he could give my son the injection of ketamine in the car to cause less stress, straight onto a trolley and into theatre!

They called me continuously on the days leading up to and the day of surgery to make sure everything was okay, even the next day to check in on him. Dr jones is a very funny, clever and caring dr. He really did do an amazing job and he writes the pathways for surgery for kids like my son. Even when things didn't quite go to plan (my son's quick and extremely strong) and he snatched the needle out his hand, Dr jones didn't bat an eye and carried on to make sure is was done as quickly as possible then backed off immediately so my son had the least amount of stress possible.

The staff on the ward were just as amazing! They were in his wee side room always asking if we needed anything or to ask questions about his condition, which I loved because it made me feel like they really wanted to learn new ways to help others just like us.

When the two doctors (yes dentists are Dr's!) came into the room after his 2 hour surgery and told me that my son still had his front teeth I could have winched them, and yes I ugly cried then too! I was taken into the room whilst my son was still sedated so I could be there for him waking up as he's nonverbal and that was just amazing.

Another massive thank you and shout out to Emma the medical secretary who gave my son a haircut under general!!!! It's the best haircut he's ever had in his life.

I honestly can't thank each individual member on our team enough, they made that extremely traumatic experience so so much easier. Nothing was too big an ask (yes even the haircut), nothing was a strange question, no judgement and they treated us with so much respect, love and care. 

So to the whole team thank you from the bottom of my heart, you are all truly amazing people

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Raymond Carruthers, Operational Governance Manager, Glasgow Dental Hospital, NHSGGC last month
Raymond Carruthers
Operational Governance Manager, Glasgow Dental Hospital,
Submitted on 29/04/2024 at 09:39
Published on Care Opinion at 09:39

Dear lyraex44,

Thank you very much for taking the time to post some feedback following your son's treatment at the Royal Hospital for Children, with colleagues from the Department of Paediatric Dentistry. Our teams are always keen to understand how our patients and their families feel about their experience.

This sounds like it was a very anxious and stressful time for you and so I know that my colleagues will be delighted to read such positive comments. I am pleased to read that the dental and anaesthetics teams managed to put together a plan of care that you were happy with, and communicated with you throughout.

I will be pleased to share your comments with Gillian and all those involved in your son's care at the Royal Hospital for Children.

Best wishes


  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
Response from Coral McGowan, Patient Services Manager, Women & Children's Services, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde last month
Coral McGowan
Patient Services Manager, Women & Children's Services,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 29/04/2024 at 14:28
Published on Care Opinion at 14:28

picture of Coral McGowan

Dear lyraex44,

Wow - we are absolutely delighted, and cannot thank you enough for sharing your positive experience and wonderful example of care provided by our team.

Firstly, I want to acknowledge how challenging a time this must have been for you, from your own perspective. Caring for your son who has support needs, whilst at the same time trying to look after yourself cannot have been easy. Without your extraordinary input, our teams would not have been in a position to help your little boy in the way they did - your help was so valuable, it was a true patient centred partnership.

Caring for families who experience neuro-diversity is such an exceptionally important aspect of both the clinical and well-being aspect of the services we deliver. I really do hear and respect all you have to say, and we will use your feedback as inspirational motivation to continue to create unique experiences for all the children who attend our services.

We haven't always got it right, but this time we have - and our Senior Management Team have already taken this opportunity to share your feedback, and to recognise and thank Dr Gillian, Dr Hivey, Dr Jones and Emma, alongside the wider team who helped your little boy.

It was our pleasure to look after you both. Thank you so very much for trusting us with your sons care.

Sending warmest wishes to you both and a hope that your wee boy is now feeling so much better after his procedure.

Kindest regards


  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
Response from Suzanne Pearson, Senior Charge Nurse, Wards 1A and 1B, Royal Hospital for Children, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 4 weeks ago
Suzanne Pearson
Senior Charge Nurse, Wards 1A and 1B, Royal Hospital for Children,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Senior Charge Nurse

Submitted on 07/05/2024 at 18:29
Published on Care Opinion on 08/05/2024 at 08:20

Dear lyraex44

Thank you so much for the outstanding feedback regarding your son's recent admission to day surgery. I am so pleased that everything went to plan on the day and that your son was discharged home safely with his 2 front teeth and new haircut.

It makes such a difference to the staff when we receive feedback but especially to hear that the work put into your son's admission before he arrived for surgery made such a difference to your families journey.

I hope he is recovering well at home and I will pass on your feedback to all the staff involved with his care.

Many thanks

Suzanne Pearson

Senior Charge Nurse

Ward 1A/day surgery unit

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