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"Disappointing bedside manner"

About: Aberdeen Royal Infirmary / Radiology (X-rays and Scans)

(as a service user),

I attended the outpatient radiology department for an abdominal ultrasound and was disappointed with the basically non existent bed side manner of the doctor doing the scan.

No welcoming hello, enquiry if I’d had an ultrasound before and knew what to expect. No explanation of what they were going to do or look for. If I’d been a more anxious patient this would have been very unsettling.

It doesn’t take much effort to put a patient at ease, and I was disappointed to experience this when NHS Grampian are supposed to operate a person centred approach to care.  

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Response from Ross Baxter, Unit Support Manager, Radiology, NHS Grampian last month
Ross Baxter
Unit Support Manager, Radiology,
NHS Grampian
Submitted on 22/04/2024 at 11:07
Published on Care Opinion at 11:13

Dear Jeckl28,

I am Ross, the Unit Support Manager for the Radiology Service at NHS Grampian. I am sorry to hear that you did not have a pleasant experience while attending for your Ultrasound scan. We always strive as a Department to make sure our patients feel respected and are treated well while being cared for in NHS Grampian and in this instance we have fallen short.

We, as a Service, would like to investigate this further to ensure we learn what went wrong. If you would be happy to, I would be grateful if you could contact myself on 01224 553174.

Once again, please accept my sincere apologies on behalf of NHS Grampian for the poor experience you had.



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