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"Infant feeding support worker service"

About: County Community Hospital / Maternity care

(as a service user),

Highlands, Ross-shire. 

Baby is 3 and a half weeks old now. During pregnancy up till now, have received incredible support regarding infant feeding.
From antenatal classes, and baby/toddler groups (when manage to go) run by the feeding support workers, to home visits. All the workers, and students, have been extremely friendly and attentive. 
Always easy to get in touch with, whether for their very helpful advice or just to chat. Which can be such a comfort for new mums, especially in the first few weeks or months.
They have never seemed in a rush, and make sure to give everyone as much time as they need. Have always felt valued and respected.
They show so much joy for their work, and immense care for new mothers and babies. 
Am extremely glad the service exists, and have loved meeting the workers. Every visit or phone call makes the day just that little bit brighter.
Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Karen MacKay, Senior Health Improvement Specialist (Infant Feeding Advisor), RM, IBCLC, NHS Highland 3 months ago
Karen MacKay
Senior Health Improvement Specialist (Infant Feeding Advisor), RM, IBCLC,
NHS Highland
Submitted on 23/02/2024 at 11:31
Published on Care Opinion at 11:31

Thank you so much Rosie234 for sharing your experience and congratulations on your birth. It is fantastic to read of the support you have been given by the team and I will pass this on to them today and I am sure this will brighten up their day.

Within the infant feeding service we really strive to support families in their decision to feed from first meeting you in the ante natal period to following you all through your feeding journeys and we aim to do this in partnership, It is wonderful to read your journey so far especially how you have felt valued and respected.

Thank you again for taking the time to send in your story.

Kind regards

Karen Mackay

Infant feeding lead

NHS Highland

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