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"My labour induction experience"

About: Aberdeen Maternity Hospital / Obstetrics (Maternity care)

(as the patient),

So I was in Aberdeen Maternity Hospital to be induced to give birth at 37 weeks as my waters had broke preterm at 34 weeks and 5 days. So my pregnancy since then getting me to 37 weeks was very stressful as it was but I had such an amazing support system from my 2 midwives. 

I attended Aberdeen Maternity Hospital recently to be induced, which I was given the peccary inserted that day, the following morning I had the tracer put on my tummy to do ongoing monitoring of baby and everything was going fine but baby's heart dropped a little bit than usual.

But what has traumatised my entire experience was that at this stage a midwife/member of staff came in and said baby's heartrate is as bloody flat as a pancake x3 times while pacing up and down out the cubicle and proceeded to say unprofessional & concerning comments to myself and partner. This member of staff also was complaining about how much things we had with us, and when another patient pressed the emergency buzzer they also complained to us about this also. 

After saying my baby's heartrate is flat as a pancake, this member of staff told me to immediately take my lower clothes off and drop my legs & to sit on my two fists and without lubricant inserted her hand forcefully into my vagina, removing peccary and doing an internal exam… whilst they were doing this they were shouting about the other patient's buzzer going off.

I was in a lot of pain due to them not putting on any lubricant and how forceful and rough they were being. When they removed it they then proceeded to say nothing to me or my partner and left our cubicle after making a comment saying why is there so much stuff in here - which was my mini suitcase that has my hospital essentials for giving birth in.

When I was told later in that morning that I would be taken through to labour ward and be given my own room to start labour, I was petrified after what this member of staff had just done to me - I felt abused and was crying hysterically to my partner at this point.

But when I got out of maternity triage and moved to give birth I got a lovely team and they all reassured me and made my experience start to finish amazing & just so so calming, so if it wasn’t for them I don’t know how I would have coped due to being so traumatised prior. 

I’m not going to lie and say this hasn’t traumatised my first birthing experience, because it has and it ruined the rest of my labour for me as I was truly shaken and petrified this member of staff came back and had to come near me again. 

My partner was there and witnessed this all happening along with a student midwife who I must say I felt so sorry for to have someone like that meant to be showing them what to do - traumatised and ruining a women’s Labour…  

I would like to bring this to your attention due to the fact that I feel it’s so wrong to have someone like that working in Aberdeen Maternity Hospital when there job is to look after you and reassure you like the other midwives in maternity Triage, but this member of staff done nothing but traumatise me to the point I had a panic attack shortly after they left my cubicle with my partner due to their behaviour and being so so rough with me. 

Please respond with what action will be taken against this employee working at Aberdeen maternity labour triage department.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Liz Cheung, Lead Midwife for Maternity and Women Services, Aberdeen Maternity Hospital, NHS Grampian 5 months ago
Liz Cheung
Lead Midwife for Maternity and Women Services, Aberdeen Maternity Hospital,
NHS Grampian
Submitted on 12/12/2023 at 18:17
Published on Care Opinion on 13/12/2023 at 10:03

picture of Liz Cheung

Dear ariesmy89

Thank you for taking the time to get in touch. Please accept my sincere apologies that this has been your experience, this is unacceptable and certainly not the standard of care that is expected.

If you would like to get in touch to allow us to look into this further can you please email for the attention of Liz, with your contact details and we will be in touch.

I hope to hear from you soon



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Response from Liz Cheung, Lead Midwife for Maternity and Women Services, Aberdeen Maternity Hospital, NHS Grampian 3 months ago
Liz Cheung
Lead Midwife for Maternity and Women Services, Aberdeen Maternity Hospital,
NHS Grampian
Submitted on 04/03/2024 at 09:58
Published on Care Opinion at 10:02

picture of Liz Cheung

Dear ariesmy89,

Since I responded to you 2 months ago, I am just following up to let you know that your comments were shared with the team who work in Triage. Your situation was used as a learning opportunity and as a team they have reflected on your experience.

Due to this some members of the team did come forward to discuss this more in depth with their Team Leader, as they felt really uncomfortable, disappointed and saddened that it might have been their practice that you were describing, they wanted you to know how truly sorry they are, that this was your experience while you were in Triage. This is certainly not the level of care that they think they provide, but your feedback has given them the opportunity to look into their individual practice, for which they are thankful.

I hope as time has passed you are managing to move forward, but as mentioned previously if you wish to get in touch please contact the

Kind Regards


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Update posted by ariesmy89 (the patient)

Good morning,

thank you for addressing this to the team as I would hate for any other person to go through the experience I did and I am still trying to recover from it! I appreciate your time & help with this situation & am thankful it has been addressed.

Thank you

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