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"Lack of support for children’s mental health"

About: City Hospital / CAMHS

(as a parent/guardian),

I had previously posted about my daughter and failure of our GP practice for losing her referral. 

Referral has now been completed and checked over and they are not willing to see my daughter instead I will be sent sign posting websites etc. 

My daughter has been struggling with her mental health and despite school putting support systems in place (counselling etc) there has been no improvement and her mental health has in fact got worse. She is an eleven year old girl who does not want to be here and is writing about harming herself. As parents we think she has already gone through with harming herself. 
My daughter is struggling with all aspects of her life at the moment, she is struggling to concentration in school and I fear she is falling behind, home life is significantly impacted by her erratic moods and she is withdrawn and sad and anxious all the time. At times struggling to leave the house or do anything that she enjoys. 
We have felt continually abandoned throughout from our GP service and now from CAMHS. We had already waited an extra 4 weeks due to her initial referral being lost and in that time things have progressed, where will we be in another 4 weeks time 
It feels like CAMHS do not care about children and families who are struggling. Sign posting to a parent who has already tried everything they could before reaching out for help is not in any way helpful. Clearly the GP service felt that she needed additional assessment by specialized teams or a referral would not have been done. I continue to have concerns for my daughters welfare and do not feel these concerns are being taken seriously. My child could seriously harm herself and it feels like no one cares.  
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Response from Siobhan Crawford, Interim Service Manager, CAMHS & PIMHS, NHS Grampian 6 months ago
Siobhan Crawford
Interim Service Manager, CAMHS & PIMHS,
NHS Grampian

My role in Child and Adolescent Mental Health is to develop and improve pathways for young people to ensure they receive the most appropriate care at the right time.

Submitted on 27/11/2023 at 12:52
Published on Care Opinion at 14:20

Dear couragejm83,

Thank you for taking the time to share your story with us. I am sorry to read about the experience you and your family have had since first reaching out for help. I am eager to find out more about your experience and would appreciate the opportunity to speak to you directly.

If you are happy to do so, please contact me on 01224 550139 or by emailing your contact details to

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