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"I was very upset at the time"

About: General Surgery / Surgical Unit

(as the patient),

I was kept in recovery was because oxygen levels were low. A staff member said I can go back to ward and get a little something to eat and drink. The staff in question was distributing teas. I asked for a cup and they said I had not been in the ward long enough and refused to give me one instead of checking, meal time they pointed out mine was a small portion as I was just out if surgery although I know now that wasn’t a dig.

The final straw was patient in next bed had an accident, they were to receive a commode, I was to receive a bed pan. This same staff member attended the other patient and then informed me they would be going for their tea break and would get somebody else to attend to me. I was bursting to urinate and although I didn’t have an accident that could have happened.

I don’t know their name. Staff in charge of ward nurses and staff paid me a visit and said this would be investigated and they would not tolerate that behaviour of a member of staff. I was very upset at the time and have cooperated with this incident.

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Response from Morag Gray, SCN, Surgical Unit Stracathro/MPU, NHS Tayside 7 months ago
Morag Gray
SCN, Surgical Unit Stracathro/MPU,
NHS Tayside
Submitted on 02/11/2023 at 17:50
Published on Care Opinion at 17:50

Dear Accident waiting to happen,

We are sorry to hear of your recent experience/ concerns.

NHS Tayside values your comments, good or bad, to help us improve the service. If you require a thorough response to your concern about NHS Treatment please contact Complaints and Feedback Team

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Hope this helps

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