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"They will do their best for my dad"

About: Alton Community Hospital / Inwood Ward

(as a staff member posting for a carer/relative),

In a world that is so negative, I am writing to give some positives 😊

My dad arrived on Inwood ward recently.

From the moment he came through the doors he felt welcomed by every member of staff that he met. This has continued throughout his stay.

Dad tells everyone who visits how nice it is there

The staff are so kind and patient not only to my dad, but to us all as a family. They have answered our questions, however trivial, giving us the feeling that they are treating the whole family.

We believe they are and will do their best for my dad in the days to come, along with the transition of getting him home.

As a family, we can not thank you enough.

It’s hard watching a parent get old and infirm, but we do feel such support from rehab.

Please can you pass on our heartfelt thanks to each member of staff who have had a huge impact on our dad's stay on Inwood. Keep up the good work. You have a great team.

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Response from Abigail Barkham, Divisional Clinical Lead for Physical Health Mid and North Hampshire, Mid and North Hampshire, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust 7 months ago
Abigail Barkham
Divisional Clinical Lead for Physical Health Mid and North Hampshire, Mid and North Hampshire,
Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

I am the consultant for the Mid Hampshire Urgent Community Response service. Looking after individuals at home instead of hospital when it is safe to do so.

Submitted on 31/10/2023 at 14:55
Published on Care Opinion at 14:55

picture of Abigail Barkham

Thank you so much for you lovely story about the care your dad is receiving on Inwood ward. Im pleased to hear that from the moment he arrived he felt welcomed by every member of staff and that this has continued throughout his stay. It sounds like this is so reassuring to you as well. Its hard to leave our loved ones in uncertainty.

How lovely to hear that the team have shown you how they look after the whole family and that they are kind and patient not only with your dad but to all the family.

I will make sure that the ward get to see the feedback and that they know how much their care and attention has been appreciated.

I wish you dad a good recovery

Best Wishes


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