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"Childhood immunisations"

About: General Practices in Grampian

(as a parent/guardian),

I took my three year old daughter to our local GP Surgery for her immunisations.  I had done this with my eldest three years previously and the experience was so positive so I expected the same this time round.  I brought a magnet book along with us as a means of distraction.  I had decided beforehand not to tell my daughter why we were there as I didn't think this would be of any benefit and she would not fully understand.  My plan was to sit with her, reading the book and the nurse would administer the two injections. 

Unfortunately upon entering the room I quickly realised this would not be a seamless exercise like before.  The nurse asked if my daughter knew why she is there,  I replied that I hadn't told her.  The nurse straight away without any discussion began to tell my daughter that they would be giving her some medicine and that all the boys and girls would be getting the same as her.  This immediately induced panic on my daughter and she began to cry and tried to wriggle off my lap.  There was no reaction from the nurse, who continued to get on with the task at hand.  By this point my daughter was screaming and crying before she had even had any injections.  I was then told I had to hold her facing forward and hold her legs and arms tight.  An impossible task.  I asked can I just hold her side on and then I will switch her round for the opposite arm (this worked so well with my son).

My daughter was so traumatised she not surprisingly did manage to move slightly and the second injection leaked resulting in her not receiving a full dose.  It was a horrible experience.  My daughter was so upset and I left upset.  There was no regard for using any distraction techniques.  The whole situation felt out of control and poorly managed.  I left feeling so angry and disappointed because I had such a positive experience with my son before and I had hopes this would be the same. 

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Response from Kirsten Dickson, Quality Improvement and Assurance Facilitator, Quality Improvement and Assurance Team, NHS Grampian 8 months ago
Kirsten Dickson
Quality Improvement and Assurance Facilitator, Quality Improvement and Assurance Team,
NHS Grampian
Submitted on 12/09/2023 at 19:17
Published on Care Opinion at 19:17

picture of Kirsten Dickson

Thank you for sharing you and your daughters story with us Foxtrotck48.

I'm sorry to hear your daughter was traumatised by the immunisation clinic visit - especially when you had made a plan in advance to keep your daughter as calm as could be.

Most of the GP Practices in Grampian are independently run and aren’t registered to respond to feedback received via Care Opinion. They don’t routinely access the feedback either so the practice won’t see this without it going straight to them. This is one of the reasons the name of the practice you visited isn’t shared in your post. It would be helpful to know which practice you visited so I can determine who the feedback sits with. Would you mind contacting me with more details? (Either by email or by phone: or by text/phone: 07885720267).

Take care,


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Response from Maya Cross, Operational Lead Nurse - Vaccinations, Aberdeenshire, NHS Grampian 6 months ago
Maya Cross
Operational Lead Nurse - Vaccinations, Aberdeenshire,
NHS Grampian
Submitted on 23/11/2023 at 10:35
Published on Care Opinion at 10:35

Dear foxtrotck48

Thank you for getting in touch by email to let us know which clinic you visited for your daughters' immunisation's. The experience you have described is not the person-centred experience that we would expect you and your daughter to have, and I’m deeply sorry you both left feeling traumatised. I would expect all staff to listen to, and work with, the person who knows the child best in this situation, and I am sorry this didn’t happen.

Please be assured your feedback was shared with the nurse at the clinic and discussions were had around what could be done differently to avoid this happening to another family. I also plan to share this with the wider immunisation team as a reminder about the importance of person-centered care.

Thank you for advocating for your daughter and helping us improve the service.

Take care,


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