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"Privacy and confidentiality"

About: Perth Royal Infirmary / Acute Medical Unit

(as a parent/guardian),

During the night an elderly woman was transferred to the bed next to my daughter. I'll avoid any details that may allow identification but the lady was obviously distressed and in a lot of pain. The team of nurses were trying to move her to bathe her and ultimately make her comfortable. I could hear everything and it was very obvious that one nurse was frustrated and judgemental about the lady's circumstances and physical condition. The nurse was sharp and obviously angry when the lady couldn't move as required due to being in pain. I found myself in tears listening to the way this elderly patient was spoken to by this individual. The rest of the team were obviously finding things stressful and difficult but restrained themselves from being openly irritated and continued to speak in a caring and supportive manner towards the patient.

There is a sign on the door of Ward 4 that emphasizes that patient privacy and confidentiality are paramount. This is sadly impossible in the ward, but staff should perhaps be made aware that they are audible to others in the room. I knew more about most of the patients than I wanted to know. Much of this is avoidable with some sensitivity.

I brought this up with a nurse as I was angry and upset that my teenage daughter had to discuss some very sensitive issues in a full ward with only a paper curtain to protect her. She was fully ambulatory and could have walked to a quiet space. I was shown to a quiet room but perhaps it would have been more sensible to leave me on the ward and take my daughter somewhere quieter.

One final point.

Covid is still causing illness and the ongoing health implications are only beginning to be understood. I thought the medical and scientific communities agreed on this. I wore a mask for almost the entire 36 hours on the ward, only removing it to eat and drink.

Patients were allowed to take their masks off, even a gentleman who had a Covid test performed on the ward. I can't fathom the scientific or medical sense in this, although I understand the preference to offer some comfort to patients and I also could recognize the difficulty in ensuring some patients wore them.

Most staff wore masks all the time but there was a noticeable number of  staff wearing masks under their chin or nose. Where is the sense in this?

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Response from Rachel Hunt, Senior Nurse, Unscheduled Medicine PRI, NHS Tayside 12 months ago
We are preparing to make a change
Rachel Hunt
Senior Nurse, Unscheduled Medicine PRI,
NHS Tayside
Submitted on 24/05/2023 at 12:31
Published on Care Opinion at 12:35

Dear TM68,

Firstly, My apologies on the delay responding to you.

Thank you for taking the time to provide some feedback of your experiences whilst your daughter was an inpatient in our wards. What you describe is not the standard of care expected from our staff and this has been fed back to the SCNs to discuss with the teams.

Patient confidentiality is important to us and we have already commenced a review into identifying some more appropriate areas on level 4 where patients and relatives can have a conversation with staff confidentially, away from the bay area.

In regards to use of masks within clinical areas, this guidance has recently changed and our hospital infection control team are working alongside Senior Charge Nurses to ensure staff have the most up to date guidance and this is adhered to. Compliance is being monitored currently across all of the medical wards.

Your feedback is important to us so we can ensure patients and relatives have the best available care provided to them whilst in hospital and I would again thank you for bringing these issues to our attention.

Many Thanks

Rachel Hunt

Senior Nurse

Unscheduled Medicine PRI.

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