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"Informative and kind"

About: Aberdeen Royal Infirmary / Plastic Surgery & Burns

(as a service user),

I recently attended the Plastics-Hand clinic to receive treatment for Raynauds disease under Mr Ahmed although a consultant locum undertook the treatment (sorry I can't remember his name!) Both were extremely informative and kind to me when I was a bit anxious regarding the nippy procedure! 

I was kept distracted during treatment by a student nurse who was down from the plastics ward for the day (again, so sorry I've forgotten your name!) She was extremely caring and really helped keep me calm and talking throughout. I appreciated her comforting demeanor and I'm sure she will become a wonderful staff nurse. 

The only negative would be how the HCSW treated me when I asked if it was possible for my husband to accompany me as it was a painful treatment. She was extremely brash and gave no valid explanation as to why he couldn't. I'm a nurse so respect when it's not appropriate, however, to me there was no reason he couldn't have came with me.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Fiona Whyment, Nurse Manager, Surgery 4 (Surgical Division), NHS Grampian about a year and a half ago
Fiona Whyment
Nurse Manager, Surgery 4 (Surgical Division),
NHS Grampian
Submitted on 29/12/2022 at 14:40
Published on Care Opinion at 14:43

Dear nursey84,

Many thanks for taking the time to leave such good feedback about your experience in the plastics clinic. I will be sure to feed it back to the Locum consultant.

I will also feedback your great comments to our student nurse. This will make her day I am sure she will be delighted with this and will go a long way.

In regards to your interaction with the HCSW, I can only apologize if you felt she was being brash towards you. At times we do not allow relatives to accompany patients due to the business of the clinic and trying to maintain some social distancing but she should have explained this to you and if possible accommodated your request.

If you would like to discuss this further then please get in touch with me on

best wishes

Fiona Whyment Nurse Manager

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